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Spring data doesn't increment after DBsetup

I have such question. I'm using DBsetup for spring boot tests and postgresql database. And I'm using DBsetup to set user, but when I'm trying to set another user by spring data I have the next exception:

Подробности: Key (id)=(1) already exists.

org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException: could not execute statement; SQL [n/a]; constraint [users_pkey];

This is my test class:

public class UserRepositoryTest {

    private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
    private UserRepository userRepository;
    private DataSource dataSource;

    public void insertData() throws SQLException {
        Operation operation = sequenceOf(CommonOperations.DELETE_ALL, CommonOperations.INSERT_USER);
        DbSetup dbSetup = new DbSetup(new DataSourceDestination(dataSource), operation);

    public void cleanPK() throws SQLException {
        DBUtil.resetAutoIncrementColumns(applicationContext, "user");

    public void registerUser() {
        val user = new User(null, "Glass", "123123", "");
        assertEquals(user, userRepository.saveAndFlush(user));


Operations for DBsetup:

public class CommonOperations {
    public static final Operation DELETE_ALL = deleteAllFrom("article_tag", "article", "tag", "users");
    public static final Operation INSERT_USER =
                    .columns("id", "email", "password", "username")
                    .values(1, "", "123123", "Daimon")

Class to reset sequence:

public final class DBUtil {

    public static void resetAutoIncrementColumns(ApplicationContext applicationContext,
                                                 String... tableNames) throws SQLException {
        DataSource dataSource = applicationContext.getBean(DataSource.class);
        String resetSqlTemplate = "ALTER SEQUENCE %s RESTART WITH 1;";
        try (Connection dbConnection = dataSource.getConnection()) {
            for (String resetSqlArgument: tableNames) {
                try (Statement statement = dbConnection.createStatement()) {
                    String resetSql = String.format(resetSqlTemplate, resetSqlArgument + "_id_seq");

Does anyone know how to solve this problem?


  • One thing to look at:

    public static final Operation INSERT_USER =
                    .columns("id", "email", "password", "username")
                    .values(1, "", "123123", "Daimon")

    Here you are using a hard-coded id i.e. 1

    Now, when in the test case you are trying to create another user, you passed the id as null, assuming it's supposed to pick from the sequence. It will start from 1 too. Hence, you get a conflict.