I'm trying to modify graphql error response. I would like to remove null attributes from response. Is it possible?
I created my GraphQL exception like ExceptionWhileDataFetching and my own definition for filter clients' errors. It works nice but ugly empty attributes are here and I want to remove them.
For example by GraphQL docs attribute extensions should be optional and on second example screen is only message attribute. It is what I want achieve but I cant find out how..
I found GraphqlErrorHelper#toSpecification.. I thought it is enough to override it and GraphQL library will proccess error attributes without other actions, but it didn't..
I start thinking if I'm trying to do legit thing.. I found out that my ClientException
will go correctly to getJacksonMapper().writeValueAsString
in GraphQLObjectMapper#serializeResultAsJson
and here is response somehow changed.. This part is bit magic for me.. :(
OK, I finally find out solution..
use annotations for appending extra data.
So if I use @JsonInclude(JsonInclude.Include.NON_NULL)
in my GraphQLError
class all works as I want..
Finally result I wanted