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How to get reactJS to render a state variable

I am just starting to examine react forms. I'm running into a issue where react is flagging the line in my render where I try to populate the input box label. Here is the code of my app:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './App.css';
import { Container, Row, Col, Input, Button, Fa, Card, CardBody } from 'mdbreact';

class App extends Component {

  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { 
      name: {
        valid: true,
        value: '',
        label: 'Your Name',
        length: 0

    this.saveData = this.saveData.bind(this);

  saveData() {

    let currentComponent = this;

    var validData = true;
    var locaName = {
      valid: true,
      value: '',
      label: 'Your Name',
      length: 0

    locaName.value = document.getElementById("lblName").value;
    locaName.length = locaName.value.length;

    if (locaName.length < 1) {
      validData = false;
      locaName.valid = false;
      locaName.label = "You need to enter your name";

    if (validData == false) {
      currentComponent.setState({ name:locaName });


  render() {

    return (
      <div className="App">
        <div className="d-flex flex-wrap justify-content-center position-absolute w-100 h-50 align-items-center align-content-center">
              <Col md="6">
                      <p className="h4 text-center py-4">Sign up</p>
                      <div className="grey-text">
                        <Input id="lblName" label={} icon="user" group type="text" />
                        <Input id="lblEmail" label="Your email" icon="envelope" group type="email" />
                        <Input id="lblConfirmEmail" label="Confirm your email" icon="exclamation-triangle" group type="text" />
                      <div className="text-center py-4 mt-3">
                        <Button color="cyan" onClick={() => 

export default App;

at this point, all i am trying to do is render the form with the label of the name input box being 'Your Name' and if no name is entered, to have react re-render the form with the label of the name input box being 'You need to enter your name'.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.


  • In order to reference state variables you need to use, i'm only seeing in your render function