I'm building a website with django and i'm using uikit 3 as front-end framework is there any way to style django-crispy-forms with uikit ? with bootstrap i can just put this line on settings file :
is their any option like this to use uikit ?
You should always check the documentation of the packages you use:
Since version 1.1.0, django-crispy-forms has built-in support for different CSS frameworks, known as template packs within django-crispy-forms:
- bootstrap Bootstrap is crispy-forms’s default template pack, version 2 of the popular simple and flexible HTML, CSS, and Javascript for user interfaces from Twitter.
- bootstrap3 Twitter Bootstrap version 3.
- bootstrap4 Alpha support for Twitter Bootstrap version 4, which is still in Alpha.
- uni-form Uni-form is a nice looking, well structured, highly customizable, accessible and usable forms.
- foundation Foundation In the creator’s words, “The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world.” This template pack is externally available through crispy-forms-foundation