I am using Onsen UI framework. I have an HTML app which contains 3 tabs (tab1, tab2 and tab3). All the code is under the same HTML file. In tab1, I have a button that when is checked the h2 changes colour. This change is made just on tab1 but I want the change in all of the three tabs.
Basically, this is the idea:
<template id="tab1.html">
<ons-page id="tab1">
<!-- This is the button --> <ons-switch id="nightmode"></ons-switch>
</ons-page id="tab1">
<h2 class="title">Home</h2>
</template id="tab1.html">
<template id="tab2.html">
<ons-page id="tab2">
<h2 class="title">Home</h2><!-- It shall change colour, but it does not -->
</ons-page id="tab2">
</template id="tab2.html">
<template id="tab3.html">
<ons-page id="tab3">
<h2 class="title">Home</h2><!-- It shall change colour, but it does not -->
</ons-page id="tab3">
</template id="tab3.html">
document.getElementById("nightmode").addEventListener("change", function() {
if (document.getElementById("nightmode").checked == true) {
document.getElementsByClassName("title")[0].setAttribute("style", "color: white;");
} else {
document.getElementsByClassName("title")[0].setAttribute("style", "color: black;");
document.getElementsByClassName("title")[0].setAttribute("style", "color: black;");
This code changes first element only, because of [0]
. You can change all elements with this code;
document.getElementById("nightmode").addEventListener("change", function() {
var elms = document.getElementsByClassName("title");
var textcolor = "white";
textcolor = "black";
for(var i in elms){
var elm = elms[i];
elm.style.color = textcolor;
Also, I suggest using jQuery. With jQuery, it can be easier;
$("#nightmode").change(function() {
$("h2.title").css("color", "white");
$("h2.title").css("color", "black");