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how could `secret` protect sensitive information in Kubernetes

I am fresh to Kubernetes.

My understanding of secret is that it encodes information by base64. And from the resources I have seen, it is claimed that secret could protect sensitive information. I do not get this.

Besides encoding information with base64, I do not see any real difference between secret and configMap. And we could decode base64-encoded information so easily. That means there is no protection at all...

Is my understanding wrong?


  • The thing which protects a Secret is the fact that it is a distinct resource type in kubernetes, and thus can be subject to a different RBAC policy than a ConfigMap.

    If you are currently able to read Secrets in your cluster, that's because your ClusterRoleBinding (or RoleBinding) has a rule that specifically grants access to those resources. It can be due to you accessing the cluster through its "unauthenticated" port from one of the master Nodes, or due to the [Cluster]RoleBinding attaching your Subject to cluster-admin, which is probably pretty common in hello-world situations, but I would guess less common in production cluster setups.

    That's the pedantic answer, however, really guarding the secrets contained in a Secret is trickier, given that they are usually exposed to the Pods through environment injection or a volume mount. That means anyone who has exec access to the Pod can very easily exfiltrate the secret values, so if the secrets are super important, and must be kept even from the team, you'll need to revoke exec access to your Pods, too. A middle ground may be to grant the team access to Secrets in their own Namespace, but forbid it from other Namespaces. It's security, so there's almost no end to the permutations and special cases.