I'm trying to transfer the impact value from an old table (esp) to a new table (esm). Both table share similar structures:
|codeNorm|impact|Other columns i dont care...
|codeMasterNorm|impact|Other different columns i dont care...
First i created a SELECT query that brings only the records that have different impact between them (impact can be NULL):
SELECT esm.codeMasterNorm, esm.impact, esp.codeNorm, esp.impact FROM esm
INNER JOIN esp ON esp.codeNorm = esm.codeMasterNorm AND IFNULL(esp.impact, 0) <> IFNULL(esm.impact, 0);
This returned:
163 rows in set (0.75 sec)
Then i created the UPDATE/INNER JOIN query
INNER JOIN esp ON esp.codeNorm = esm.codeMasterNorm AND IFNULL(esp.impact, 0) <> IFNULL(esm.impact, 0)
SET esm.impact = esp.impact;
This returned:
Query OK, 163 rows affected (1.35 sec) Rows matched: 163 Changed: 163 Warnings: 0
But when i re-run the SELECT query again, this return the same result:
163 rows in set (1.25 sec)
Any ideas of why is not updating the records?
When executing UPDATE JOIN queries; if the join is not 1:1, the source of assigned value is not defined.
In this particular case, while the join was technically 1:1 due to the a.x != b.x condition, the update created different join pairs. The 1:1 that was assumed without that condition was not true.