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How to check native code error in cfcatch block?

I have cfcatch block that should catch any exception. Once error detected I build custom function that takes NativeErrorCode as an argument. If error code is one that I'm looking for that indicates duplicate/PK violation I have custom message that will return to the user. If error code is not one that I'm looking for then global message will be returned. However, I run in the problem where ColdFusion returned error message that NativeErrorCode does not exist. I know that Native Error Code is reserved for database type. Is there a way to check the type and prevent this problem or there is better way to fix this issue? Here is my code example:

    // Stored procedure call
    <cfcatch type="any">
        <cfset local.fnResults = {status : "400", message : Application.functions.errorCatch(cfcatch.NativeErrorCode)}>

public string function errorCatch(required string ErrorCode) {
    local.message = "";

    if(arguments.ErrorCode EQ 2627){
        local.message = "Error! Cannot insert duplicate value.";
        local.message = "Error! Please contact your administrator.";

    return message;

You can see above how my errorCatch function works and what code I'm checking. I still want cfcatch to grab any exception in my code not just database errors.


  • Two ways come to mind for handling your branching catch logic, have 2 catch blocks, or check the catch object has the data you want.

    In my first example I added a catch block exclusively for database errors. If the type of the error is database a Native Error Code will be included or be -1 if the database driver doesn't include one. For the any argument, I just added your default return string. You may want to have custom logic that would handle non-database type exceptions.

        // Stored procedure call
        <cfcatch type="database">
           <cfset local.fnResults = {status : "400", message : Application.functions.errorCatch(cfcatch.NativeErrorCode)}>
        <cfcatch type="any">
            //Non database related error
            <cfset local.fnResults = "Error! Please contact your administrator.">

    In my second Example I just updated your errorCatch function with a check that a NativeErrorCode exist before we try to pass it.

        <cfcatch type="any">
            //Passing the default error code value, you may want custom logic here
            <cfset local.fnResults = {
                status : "400", 
                message : Application.functions.errorCatch( cfcatch.keyExists("NativeErrorCode")?cfcatch.NativeErrorCode:-1)