Is there an easy way to make Json.Decode case insensitive in elm (0.18)?
decodeDepartmentDate : Json.Decode.Decoder DepartmentDate
decodeDepartmentDate =
Json.Decode.map6 DepartmentDate
(field "nameOfDay" Json.Decode.string)
(field "orderDate" Convert.datePart)
(field "mealTimeID" Json.Decode.string)
(field "mealTime" Json.Decode.string)
(field "departmentID" Json.Decode.string)
(field "department" Json.Decode.string)
I want to be able to use the same elm SPA against multiple back ends and avoid issues like this by default:
BadPayload "Expecting an object with a field named `nameOfDay` at _[11]
but instead got: {\"NameOfDay\":\"Wednesday\",\"OrderDate\":\"2018-09-05T00:00:00\",
\"MealTimeID\":\"546ccee0-e070-403e-a15b-63f4e1366054\",\"MealTime\":\"All Day\",
\"StartTime\":\"2018/06/05 05:04:38\",\"DepartmentID\":\"066a1c9f-97da-487e-b82f-f933b159c042\",
\"Department\":\"Side walk\"}"
As far as I'm aware, there's no ready-made solution for doing so. But you can make your own!
The easiest way is probably to just generate the different casings and make your own field
decoder using oneOf
myField name decoder =
[ Decode.field name decoder
, Decode.field (String.toLower) decoder
Another approach would be to decode the object as key/value pairs without decoding the values, transforming the keys and then re-encoding it to be able to use the existing JSON decoders on it:
lowerCaseKeys =
Decode.keyValuePairs Decode.value
|> ( (\(key, value) -> (String.toLower key, value)))
|> (Encode.object)
But since the value is now wrapped in a Decoder
you'd have to use decodeValue
on that and ultimately end up with a double-wrapped Result
, which isn't very nice. I might be missing some elegant way of making this work though.
Instead it seems better to not re-encode it, but just make your own field
decoder to work on the dict. This will also allow you to ignore casing on the keys you specify.
lowerCaseKeys : Decode.Decoder (Dict.Dict String Decode.Value)
lowerCaseKeys =
Decode.keyValuePairs Decode.value
|> ( (\( key, value ) -> ( String.toLower key, value )))
|> Dict.fromList
myField : String -> Decode.Decoder a -> Dict.Dict String Decode.Value -> Decode.Decoder a
myField name decode dict =
case Dict.get (String.toLower name) dict of
Just value ->
case Decode.decodeValue decode value of
Ok v ->
Decode.succeed v
Err e ->
e |> Decode.errorToString |>
Nothing -> "missing key"
result =
Decode.decodeString (lowerCaseKeys |> Decode.andThen (myField "fOO" """{ "Foo": 42 }"""