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Flink SQL: Repeating grouping keys in result of GROUP BY query

I want to do a simple query in Flink SQL in one table which include a group by statement. But in the results there are duplicate rows for the column specified in the group by statement. Is that because I use a streaming environment and it doesn't remember the state ?

final StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
final StreamTableEnvironment tableEnv = TableEnvironment.getTableEnvironment(env);
// configure Kafka consumer
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("bootstrap.servers", "localhost:9092"); // Broker default host:port
props.setProperty("", "flink-consumer"); // Consumer group ID

FlinkKafkaConsumer011<BlocksTransactions> flinkBlocksTransactionsConsumer = new FlinkKafkaConsumer011<>(args[0], new BlocksTransactionsSchema(), props);

DataStream<BlocksTransactions> blocksTransactions = env.addSource(flinkBlocksTransactionsConsumer);

tableEnv.registerDataStream("blocksTransactionsTable", blocksTransactions);

Table sqlResult
        = tableEnv.sqlQuery(
                "SELECT block_hash, count(tx_hash) " +
                "FROM blocksTransactionsTable " +
                "GROUP BY block_hash");

DataStream<Test> resultStream = tableEnv
        .toRetractStream(sqlResult, Row.class)
        .map(t -> {
            Row r = t.f1;
            String field2 = r.getField(0).toString();
            long count = Long.valueOf(r.getField(1).toString());
            return new Test(field2, count);


resultStream.addSink(new FlinkKafkaProducer011<>("localhost:9092", "TargetTopic", new TestSchema()));


I use the group by statement for the block_hash column but I have several times the same block_hash. This is the result of the print() :

Test{field2='0x2c4a021d514e4f8f0beb8f0ce711652304928528487dc7811d06fa77c375b5e1', count=1} Test{field2='0x2c4a021d514e4f8f0beb8f0ce711652304928528487dc7811d06fa77c375b5e1', count=1} Test{field2='0x2c4a021d514e4f8f0beb8f0ce711652304928528487dc7811d06fa77c375b5e1', count=2} Test{field2='0x780aadc08c294da46e174fa287172038bba7afacf2dff41fdf0f6def03906e60', count=1} Test{field2='0x182d31bd491527e1e93c4e44686057207ee90c6a8428308a2bd7b6a4d2e10e53', count=1} Test{field2='0x182d31bd491527e1e93c4e44686057207ee90c6a8428308a2bd7b6a4d2e10e53', count=1}

How can I fix this without using BatchEnvironment ?


  • A GROUP BY query that runs on a stream must produce updates. Consider the following example:

    SELECT user, COUNT(*) FROM clicks GROUP BY user;

    Every time, the clicks table receives a new row, the count of the respective user needs to be incremented and updated.

    When you convert a Table into a DataStream, these updates must be encoded in the stream. Flink uses retraction and add messages to do that. By calling tEnv.toRetractStream(table, Row.class), you convert the Table table into a DataStream<Tuple2<Boolean, Row>. The Boolean flag is important and indicates whether the Row is added or retracted from the result table.

    Given the example query above and the input table clicks as

    user | ...
    Bob  | ...
    Liz  | ...
    Bob  | ...

    You will receive the following retraction stream

    (+, (Bob, 1)) // add first result for Bob
    (+, (Liz, 1)) // add first result for Liz
    (-, (Bob, 1)) // remove outdated result for Bob
    (+, (Bob, 2)) // add updated result for Bob

    You need to actively maintain the result yourself and add and remove rows as instructed by the Boolean flag of the retraction stream.