I need to be able to run a piece of code for x amount of seconds and then stop. Something like
while(timeElapsed < setTime){
do whatever
If someone is curious, what is we're trying to do here is having the program poll an indicator via modbus for a certain amount of seconds, set by the user.So I'm having an input field for the user to set the time the polling function should be running in a loop. This will be done on a raspberry pi, by the way.
One way is to include time.h header and use difftime function. It will be implemented to check if the elaspsed time reaches the set time.
#include <time.h>
void func(float delayInSeconds) {
time_t startTime;
time_t now;
float elapsedTime;
float setTime = delayInSeconds;
while (elapsedTime < setTime) {
//do something...
now = time(NULL);
elapsedTime = difftime(now, startTime);