I've seen this topic: How to find a point with offset eax+ebx*4
eax will be the pointer value to look for
ebx*4 will be the offset (ebx is the offset in an array with elements of 4 bytes long)
ebx=0 : offset=0
ebx=1 : offset=4
ebx=2 : offset=8
ebx=3 : offset=c
ebx=4 : offset=10
But I'm still don't understand how can I determine ebx?
Here is my situation: I'm trying to get current ammo pointer for Red Faction: Guerrilla (gfwl version)
I see that the address of this ammo is changed when I load another save file. So I use "Find out what writes to this address" for the ammo pointer (which no longer working after load another save file)
Then I load another save file to see what it writes to the pointer: The result is the pointer with offset [ecx+eax*4]
So I make a pointer like this
ecx=00C1B988 (address 00C1B988 holds the value: ECX=00C1B994)
EAX*4= I don't know how to work with this, so I just put: E71*4
But it still doesn't work when I load another save file. I stuck at E71*4, what should I replace for E71? I even tried to search the value E71 (or 3697), but it seems like I'm going nowhere.
Usually when you see ecx+eax*4 it's indexing into an array. ECX points to the array, EAX is the element # and 4 is size of the element. Often times when you see 4 or 8 it's because it's an array of pointers and that's the size of the pointer on x86.
What you're seeing is not some encryption/obfuscation/anticheat. It is just how object oriented programming/C++ gets compiled into assembly.
That pointer chain you're creating isn't going to work for you, the solution will be to get the address of the weapon/player object so you can offset into it to get address of the ammo. To do this you need to:
If perhaps this is some obfuscation, you can easily get the value of EAX by hooking the instruction and grabbing it's value.