I created an implementation of Blockchain, it worked well. Then I wanted to write a program that creates a new chain when deleting message.
And instead of getting a new chain where the second block has data from the latest block from the previous chain it drops an error, and I really don't understand what that means. Why "1"? It is even not hash but index of the block in a new chain. Here is error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot create property 'prevHash' on number '1'
at Chain.addBlock (chain.js:24)
at newChain (test.js:26)
at HTMLButtonElement.onclick (index.html:1)
Can somebody explain why? I also attached a code snippet for showing hot it all works
// Chain.js
class Block {
constructor(id, data, prevHash = ''){
this.id = id;
this.prevHash = this.prevHash;
this.hash = this.calcHash();
this.data = data;
calcHash() {
return CryptoJS.SHA512(this.id + JSON.stringify(this.data)).toString();
class Chain {
this.chain = [this.genesisBlock()];
return new Block(0,'Chain started.');
return this.chain[this.chain.length - 1];
block.prevHash = this.getLastBlock().hash;
block.hash = block.calcHash();
for(let i = 1; i < this.chain.length; i++){
let prev = this.chain[i-1], current = this.chain[i];
if(current.hash !== prev.prevHash || current.hash !== current.calcHash())
return false;
}return true;
// Msg.js
class Msg {
constructor(msg, date){
this.msg = msg;
const D = new Date();
this.date = [D.getHours(), D.getMinutes(), D.getSeconds()].join(' : ');
// Test.js
CHAIN = new Chain();
i = 0;
msg = () => {
let text = $('input').val();
CHAIN.addBlock(new Block(i, text));
let msg = JSON.stringify(CHAIN.chain,null, 4);
let thisMSG = new Msg(text);
$('section').append('<div class="notification is-primary"><span class="tag">' + thisMSG.msg + '</span>'
+ '<span class="tag">Created at: ' + thisMSG.date + '</span><button onclick="$(this).parent().hide() && newChain()" align=center class="delete is-large"></button></div>')
newChain = () => {
delete CHAIN;
CHAIN = new Chain();
.input {
margin: 10px 0;
.tag {
font-size: 23px !important;
background-color: whitesmoke !important;
margin: 5px;
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Your addBlock function expects a Block, but you provide 1 in newChain(). Change the line to
CHAIN.addBlock(new Block(1,'Hi'));