I have a spotfire dashboard with two dropdown lists, one for Day and one for Month, that I want to use to limit the data of visualizations.
I need to be able to use both filters at the same time. I currently have a case statement written out to do this however case statements by default stop evaluating expressions when they reach a true statement.
For example below, I have the statements for the MonthSelector on top, it does not continue to evaluate past that to the DaySelector.
when "${MonthSelector}"="all" then [Month] <> ''
when "${MonthSelector}"<>"all" then [Month] = "${MonthSelector}"
when "${DaySelector}"="all" then [Week_Day] <> ''
when "${DaySelector}"="WeekDay" then [Week_Day] <> 'Saturday' and [Week_Day] <> 'Sunday'
when "${DaySelector}"="WeekEnd" then [Week_Day] = 'Saturday' OR [Week_Day] = 'Sunday'
when "${DaySelector}"<>"WeekEnd" AND "${DaySelector}"<>"WeekDay" AND "${DaySelector}"<>"all" then [Week_Day] = "${DaySelector}"
else false end case
I need assistance in either somehow getting spotfire to continue evaluating the case statement past the first true, or another way of writing a data limiting expression that will limit data based on both dropdowns.
I am at a loss, any help will be appreciated.
Can you try nesting the cases? Maybe like this untested expression:
when "${MonthSelector}"="all" then case
when "${DaySelector}"="all" then [Week_Day] <> '' and [Month] <> ''
when "${DaySelector}"="WeekDay" then [Week_Day] <> 'Saturday' and [Week_Day] <> 'Sunday' and [Month] <> ''
when "${DaySelector}"="WeekEnd" then [Week_Day] = 'Saturday' OR [Week_Day] = 'Sunday' and [Month] <> ''
when "${DaySelector}"<>"WeekEnd" AND "${DaySelector}"<>"WeekDay" AND "${DaySelector}"<>"all" then [Week_Day] = "${DaySelector}" and [Month] <> ''
else false
when "${MonthSelector}"<>"all" then case
when "${DaySelector}"="all" then [Week_Day] <> '' and [Month] = "${MonthSelector}"
when "${DaySelector}"="WeekDay" then [Week_Day] <> 'Saturday' and [Week_Day] <> 'Sunday' and [Month] = "${MonthSelector}"
when "${DaySelector}"="WeekEnd" then [Week_Day] = 'Saturday' OR [Week_Day] = 'Sunday' and [Month] = "${MonthSelector}"
when "${DaySelector}"<>"WeekEnd" AND "${DaySelector}"<>"WeekDay" AND "${DaySelector}"<>"all" then [Week_Day] = "${DaySelector}" and [Month] = "${MonthSelector}"
else false
else false