My React app is catching the error and correctly displaying my custom error message, but after a second it still displays the original error logging. So the fallback UI then get's replaced by the initial error screen.
Test component:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
export class Test extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
return (
Error component:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
export class Error extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
return ({ test });
In the error component test is undefined, so that will throw a undefined error.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
export class ErrorBoundary extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { error: null, errorInfo: null };
componentDidCatch(error, errorInfo) {
// Catch errors in any components below and re-render with error message
error: error,
errorInfo: errorInfo
// You can also log error messages to an error reporting service here
render() {
if (this.state.errorInfo) {
// Error path
return (
<h2>Something went wrong.</h2>
<details style={{ whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap' }}>
{this.state.error && this.state.error.toString()}
<br />
// Normally, just render children
return this.props.children;
First this get's displayed:
Then after a second this get's displayed:
How can i solve this?
If a component crashes, ErrorBoundaries can prevent crashing everything and display a custom message in that component and keep other components alive (in tact), right?
I think I got it. The create-react-app
package has a tool called the react-overlay-error. This shows error messages from the console as an overlay over your app so you can easily check the stack trace and debug.
This won't show up in production mode, it's just a development tool duplicating the normal browser console.
You can hide this by pressing Escape to see your overlay again.
If you want to get rid of it, this answer may help.