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Angular 2 Dynamic Breadcrumbs

I need some help with breadcrumbs

Here example routes config

Routes = [  
    {path: '', redirectTo: 'home', pathMatch: 'full'},  
    {path: 'home', ..., data: { breadcrumb: 'Home'}},  
    {path: 'about', ..., data: { breadcrumb: 'About'}},  
    {path: 'github', ..., data: { breadcrumb: 'GitHub'},
       path: 'category/:id',
       component: CategoryComponent

In bread crumbs component i try to use this to extract breadcrumbs data from ActivatedRoute

ngOnInit() {
   // subscribe to the NavigationEnd event => event instanceof NavigationEnd).subscribe(() => {

      // set breadcrumbs
      const root: ActivatedRoute = this.activatedRoute.root;
      this.breadcrumbs = this.getBreadcrumbs(root);

After that i render comonentns template

<ul class="breadcrumb">
   <li><a routerLink="" routerLinkActive="active"><i class="fa fa-home position-left"></i> Главная</a></li>
   <ng-container *ngFor="let breadcrumb of breadcrumbs">
   <li routerLinkActive="active">
      <a [routerLink]="[breadcrumb.url, breadcrumb.params]"> {{ breadcrumb.label }}</a>

All fine but i dont know how i can pass data value from another component for category/:id route for make in human readable like "Mobile Phones"


  • I hope it's not too late to answer this question :D, so here is a working CodeSandbox example with two breadcrumb implementations, that uses the router data option to pass and collect data for the breadcrumb.

    Code explanation:

    Look at the comments inside the breadcrumb component.

    Here is the breacrumb component

    import { Component, OnInit } from "@angular/core";
    import {
    } from "@angular/router";
    import { filter, map, buffer, pluck } from "rxjs/operators";
     * Check if an angular router 'Event' is instance of 'NavigationEnd' event
    const isNavigationEnd = (ev: Event) => ev instanceof NavigationEnd;
     * Check if an angular router 'Event' is instance of 'NavigationEnd' event
    const isActivationEnd = (ev: Event) => ev instanceof ActivationEnd;
      selector: "app-breadcrumb",
      templateUrl: "./breadcrumb.component.html",
      styleUrls: ["./breadcrumb.component.scss"]
    export class BreadcrumbComponent implements OnInit {
      constructor(private router: Router) {}
      ngOnInit() {
         * navigationEnd$ is trigered once per completed routing event, in other words
         * once per loading a component that is in the end of the current route
        const navigationEnd$ =;
         * Here we subscribe to all navigation events, in order to update
         * our route "data", which we will use for the breadcrumb visualization.
         * Than we filter the events emitted from the `router` in such way, that we are only
         * taking action upon a completed router event (in other words we are subscribing only for `ActivationEnd`
         * events)
         * We use pluck to get only the requried bredcrumb data
         * The buffer operator accumulates all `data` coming from the router and emmits the accumulated data once
         * when a `NavigationEnd` event passes troufh `navigationEnd$`
         * The `map` in the end is used to reverse the collected data, in order to convert it to more logical
         * sequence. Without the revers first we will get the data for the current route, after that for it's parent
         * and so on (that is how the ng router works).
            map((bcData: any[]) => bcData.reverse())
          .subscribe(x => {
            this.bcLoadedData = x;

    .breadcrumb {
        display: flex;
        &.simple {
            border: 2px solid blueviolet;
            border-radius: 4px;
        .breadcrumb-separator {
            margin: 10px;
    <div class="breadcrumb simple">
        <div *ngFor="let bcElement of bcLoadedData; let last = last">
            <span class="breadcrumb-separator"

    Here is the structure of the routes

    const routes: Routes = [
    	{ path: '', pathMatch: 'full', component: MockComponentComponent, data: { bc: 'Looking outside' } },
    		path: 'home', component: MockComponentComponent,
    		data: { bc: 'I see a home' },
    		children: [
    				path: 'primaryHouse', component: MockComponentComponent,
    				data: { bc: 'I\'m going inside the home' },
    				children: [
    						path: 'kitchen', component: MockComponentComponent,
    						data: { bc: 'look inside the kitchen' }
    						path: 'bedroom', component: MockComponentComponent,
    						data: { bc: 'look inside the bedroom' }
    				path: 'guestHouse', component: MockComponentComponent,
    				data: { bc: 'I\'m going in the back yard' }