I have a function in C# that displays a form. I have exposed the function using Unmanaged Exports and calling it from C++ in credential provider sample on a command link. The form does not display (nothing happens). However, when I call the same C# form using C++ console application, the form displays without any issue. What could be the difference that C++ console application is loading it but C++ credential provider code is not loading it?
C++ Code:
using CSharpForm = void(__stdcall *)(wchar_t* message);
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
HMODULE mod = LoadLibraryA("CSharp.dll");
CSharpForm form = reinterpret_cast<CSharpForm>(GetProcAddress(mod, "form1"));
form(L"This is a c# form");
return 0;
C# Code:
[DllExport(ExportName = "form1", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]
public static void showForm([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)]string message)
Form_Test form = new Form_Test();
form.Text = message;
Try this out:
Call ICredentialProviderCredentialEvents::OnCreatingWindow
HRESULT OnCreatingWindow(
HWND *phwndOwner
to get window handle, pass additional parameter into your library and use overloaded method ShowDialog
public DialogResult ShowDialog(
IWin32Window owner
You may pass HWND
out paramemter valie as IntPtr
and convert it using public static System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow FromHandle(IntPtr handle)