What I'm trying to do:
1) Post to my API with my .json file (that contains the entire body that I need)
2) From within the .json file I want to use a variable like ${value} to then take that value from my .js file and replace the var in the .json file
// for brevity - I removed the other dependencies
const jsonconfig_post = require('./POST.json'); // this is my .json file
describe('\nPOST <TO MY ENDPOINT> \n', function() {
const apiBase = `<MY ENDPOINT>`;
const cookieJar = request.jar();
var nameDate = new time.Date();
beforeEach(function(done) {
common.verifyLogin(cookieJar, done); //calls my login code
it('POST 1: <MY ENDPOINT> - POST', function(done) {
const title = 'NodeJS_Project';
let requestBody = jsonconfig_post(title + nameDate);
//NodeJS_Project is the Var name and nameDate is the appended date
const opts = {
jar: cookieJar,
uri: `${apiBase}/<MY ENDPOINT>`,
method: 'POST',
json: true,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application / json",
"Accept": "text / json"
body: (requestBody), // POST to my API with this
request(opts).then(() => {
opts.body = {};
"title": "${title}",
"Id": "<SOME ID>"
learning NodeJS/Mocha & really liking it so far. I can make this work outside of using the .json file - but the use of the .json file makes things SO much easier in terms of what the .js looks like e.g. simple and clean. This is a small example - the other POST calls have use a HUGE json body (many nested elements), so the use of the .json, in this case, is very valuable e.g replacing many variables/values in a .json file. I know this can work, I hope? I'm getting a 400 currently and can see that the JSON is not getting passed to the endpoint correctly -OR- I just get the variable ${title} posted (not what I want). Any help would be So immensely appreciated. note - I've tried a number of other approaches using JSON.parse/stringify etc. but that has failed -OR- I'm not using correctly (surely could be the case :)). Thanks in advance Cheers! -E
What you are trying to: altering a json file? This is possible but I don't think that it is what you are trying to achieve.
What you want to achieve is clean code so you extracted your requestBody into an external file, right?
So what I think the way to go is here, is to create a javascript file (post.js) in which you create an object jsonconfig_post that you export
exports.jsonconfig_post = {
title: '${title}',
Id: '<SOME ID>',
So now you can import this object in your code like
const { jsonconfig_post } = require('./POST.js');
And this is an object that you can modify like this
const jsonconfigWithValues = Object.assign({}, jsonconfig_post, { title: 'NodeJS_Project' });
And now you have a json object that you can pass through the body of your request