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Validating Stripe Webhook Signatures in Classic ASP

Stripe recommends using their libraries for validating the signature, but since they do not have one that will work with Classic, I have to do it manually, and I am really struggling with it.


Step 1: Extract the timestamp and signatures from the header Split the header, using the , character as the separator, to get a list of elements. Then split each element, using the = character as the separator, to get a prefix and value pair. The value for the prefix t corresponds to the timestamp, and v1 corresponds to the signature(s). You can discard all other elements.

Step 2: Prepare the signed_payload string You achieve this by concatenating: The timestamp (as a string) The character . The actual JSON payload (i.e., the request’s body)

Step 3: Determine the expected signature Compute an HMAC with the SHA256 hash function. Use the endpoint’s signing secret as the key, and use the signed_payload string as the message.

Step 4: Compare signatures Compare the signature(s) in the header to the expected signature. If a signature matches, compute the difference between the current timestamp and the received timestamp, then decide if the difference is within your tolerance.To protect against timing attacks, use a constant-time string comparison to compare the expected signature to each of the received signatures.

I think I am on the right track with the following code:

If strStripeMode = "live" Then 
    strSigningSecret = ""
    strSigningSecret = "whsec_CIXV2............................UR8Ta0" 
End if

'1. Payload
    lngBytesCount = Request.TotalBytes
    strPayload = BytesToStr(Request.BinaryRead(lngBytesCount))

'2. Stripe-Signature 
    strStripeSignature = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_STRIPE_SIGNATURE")
    arrStripeSignature = Split(strStripeSignature,",")
    intTimeStamp = REPLACE(arrStripeSignature(0),"t=","")
    strV1Signature = REPLACE(arrStripeSignature(1),"v1=","")
    strSignedPayload = intTimeStamp & "." & strV1Signature & strPayload

'3. Hash using 'signing secret' as the key. 
    set crypt = Server.CreateObject("Chilkat_9_5_0.Crypt2")
    crypt.HashAlgorithm = "sha256"
    crypt.EncodingMode = "hex"
    crypt.SetHmacKeyEncoded strSigningSecret,"ascii"
    strHashedSignature = crypt.HmacStringENC(strSignedPayload)
    set crypt = nothing

'4. Compare the values
    If strHashedSignature = strV1Signature Then 
        Response.Status = "200"
        '------------ DO SOMETHING------------
        Response.Status = "300" 
        '------------ DO SOMETHING------------
    End if

' Bytes to String Function
Function BytesToStr(bytes)
    Dim Stream
    Set Stream = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Stream")
        Stream.Type = 1 'adTypeBinary
        Stream.Write bytes
        Stream.Position = 0
        Stream.Type = 2 'adTypeText
        Stream.Charset = "iso-8859-1"
        BytesToStr = Stream.ReadText
    Set Stream = Nothing
End Function

The first issue that I have is that I am not sure if I am generating the signed_payload string in step #2 correctly. The second issue is that the strHashedSignature in step #3 is coming out blank, likely due to not generating the signed_payload string (strSignedPayload) correctly.


  • I figured I should update this in case someone else encounters issues in the future.The solution was two-fold.

    First is that I completely spaced on the signed_payload string, including the v1Signature for some reason (I'm going with the excuse that it was the end of the day on a Friday :)

    strSignedPayload = intTimeStamp & "." & strV1Signature & strPayload

    Its only supposed to be:

    strSignedPayload = intTimeStamp & "." & strPayload

    The second is as @karllekko stated, the encoding needed to be UTF-8