I have the following DAX-formula to retrieve the opening and closing balance for a list of products.
transactions[ID] = MAX(transactions[ID])
This works on row level in my Pivot but when I group this och Product category level I only get one value and not the sum of all the product rows.
My data contains of rows for each transaction and each row have a columns with current balance.
How do I sum each row to get the group sum for the above category "00-01" 26784 and 283500?
One way to do this is to leverage an iterative function like a SUMX
Assuming that your EndValue is the measure that you defined.
SUMX_Example := SUMX( VALUES ( transactions[ID] ) , [EndValue] )
Which will do the following:
This is of course assuming [ID] does not cover categories. If ID does cross categories, then you would first do a SUMX using category, with another SUMX that does ID