How can i disable the Rubberband selection in QGraphiscView and only allow users to click select single items as a time in the tool?
If I understand correcly, you want to disable the rubber band selection and still be able to left-click for select items (allowing the Ctrl modifier in order to select multiple items, one at the time).
So if this is the case, you need to use the QGraphicsView::setDragMode
method and set QGraphicsView::NoDrag
option. You can achieve this directly from your QGraphicsView
object or subclassing QGraphicsView
and adding the call to method on the constructor, like this (PySide):
from PySide.QtGui import *
from PySide.QtCore import *
class MyGraphicsView(QGraphicsView):
def __init__(self, parent = None):
super(MyGraphicsView, self).__init__(parent = parent)
If your graphic items have the Qt::ItemIsSelectable
flag enabled, then you will still be able to select them as usual.
Hope it helps.