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EntityManager don't being injected by Guice

I updated my createInjector call to include my JPAPersisteModule...

Guice.createInjector(new ApplicationModule(), new JpaPersistModule("simpleRestApplication"));

On my service, my DAO is injected without problem...

public class UserService {

    private UserDAO dao;

    public UserService() {


On my UserDAOImpl, the Provider dont get injected...

private Provider<EntityManager> em;

This is printed onto console:

1) Error in custom provider, java.lang.NullPointerException while locating while locating javax.persistence.EntityManager

On my persistence.xml the persistence-unit is declared as following:

<persistence-unit name="simpleRestApplication">


        <!-- Configuração do driver -->
        <property name="hibernate.dialect"
            value="org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect" />
        <property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class"
            value="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" />

        <!-- Configuração de conexão -->
        <property name="hibernate.connection.url"
            value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521/XE" />
        <property name="hibernate.connection.username"
            value="system" />
        <property name="hibernate.connection.password"
            value="myPassword123" />
        <property name="hibernate.connection.autocommit"
            value="true" />

        <!-- Configuração do hibernate -->
        <property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="true" />
        <property name="hibernate.format_sql" value="true" />
        <property name="" value="update" />
        <property name="hibernate.connection.release_mode"
            value="auto" />
        <property name="current_session_context_class"
            value="thread" />
        <property name="hibernate.connection.autoReconnect"
            value="true" />




  • Based on this link I changed the configure() method on ApplicationModule to install JpaPersistenceModule and start PersistService...

    private static class JPAInitializer {
        public JPAInitializer(final PersistService service) {
    protected void configure() {
        install(new JpaPersistModule("simpleRestApplication"));
        // another bindings...

    Now the EntityManager is injected without any error...

    public class UserDAOImpl implements UserDAO {
        private EntityManager em;