Let's say I have this faq array as one of my states:
this.state = {
faqs: [
section: "Section One",
faqList: [
question: "Q1",
answer: "A1"
question: "Q1",
answer: "A1"
section: "Section Two",
faqList: [
question: "Q1",
answer: "A1"
question: "Q1",
answer: "A1"
And I'd like to render them. This is how I tried to do it currently:
render() {
const faqs = this.state.faqs;
return (
{faqs.map(faqSec => {
return (
{faqSec.faqList.map(faq => {
return (
However, an error occurs due to the nested map function:
SyntaxError: Unexpected token, expected , (80:8)
How do I loop through this nested object properly?
You need to return the list of map result in a root element:
return (
<div>{/* use key here */}
{faqSec.faqList.map(faq => {
return (
<div>{/* use key here */}
Alternatively, you may return array of elements:
return [
<h2>{faqSec.section}</h2>,{/* use key here */}
{faqSec.faqList.map(faq => {
return [
<p>faq.question</p>,{/* use key here */}
<p>faq.answer</p>{/* use key here */}
Or, even you can use Fragment:
return (
<React.Fragment>{/* use key here */}
{faqSec.faqList.map(faq => {
return (
<React.Fragment>{/* use key here */}
You may use short-hand syntax for <React.Fragment></React.Fragment>
as well:
Not all tool supports short-hand syntax. See this if you want to use shorthand syntax.
Ensure to use key uniquely as commented above.