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Mixing CDI and EJB results in error at start

we have mixed the usage of CDI and EJB in our application. At startup, we receive the error Caused by: org.jboss.weld.context.ContextNotActiveException: WELD-001303: No active contexts for scope type javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped.

We don't understand where exactly the problem is, so here is just the overall structure of the code:

public class SomeFacade {
    private SomeService someService;

public class SomeService {
    private SomeDao someDao;

public class SomeDao {
    private EntityManager entityManager;

public class EntityManagerProducer {
   public EntityManagerFactory createEntityManagerFactory() {
         EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("one");
     return emf;

   public void close(@Disposes EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory) {

   public EntityManager createEntityManager(EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory) {
      return entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager();

Is there something we can change in general?


  • Ondrej, your answer was helpful but was not quite the solution in my case.

    First, I somehow resolved the start-up issues, but received the same error when handling arriving messages / REST requests. The solution was to annotate the service class with @ActivateRequestContext. This enabled CDI injections in all classes that are used by the servive.