model = tf.sequential();
a = tf.layers.input({shape: [127,]});
b = tf.layers.dense({units:64, inputShape: [127,], activation: 'relu' }).apply(a)
c = tf.layers.dropout(0.5).apply(b)
d = tf.layers.dense({units:64, activation: 'relu'}).apply(c)
e = tf.layers.dropout(0.5).apply(d)
f = tf.layers.dense({units:12, activation: 'sigmoid'}).apply(e)
model = tf.model({inputs: a, outputs: f});
optimizer: 'rmsprop',
loss: 'meanSquaredError',
metrics: 'accuracy'
await[1].split(','), {main_output:YS[1].split(',')}, {epochs: 50});
Here the shape of XS[1] is (127,) and YS[1] has the shape (12,), I have made the splits based on '\n' and ',' , still the error remains. Any help will be appreciated!
I fixed it by wrapping the input and output in a way {input1:tf.tensor(Array(XS[1].split(',')))},{main_output:tf.tensor(Array(YS[1].split(',')))}