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What is the lowest programming language to access hardware without using OS

i did some wiki and SO researches but i couldnt get the exact answer i look for. Thats why i asked this question.

(I did researches and didnt find an answer so dont downrate me because of this)

Firstly, title looks little weird. I will directly say my purpose. I was thinking of real life viruses. And told myself beat computer virus is most close to the real ones. I talked to a biology student and he said real viruses enters to cell, sends the only DNA/RNA they have to the core and disable cell's deffence system. And then make the cell serve it and copy itselves.

(This was more like a biologic brief but i needed to tell this to state myself best)

If we set a relation between real and computer viruses: Cell- Computer Virus- Virus RNA/DNA- Code of virus Core- OS Deff system of cell- antivirus or firewall Virus cloning itself- virus spreading to another computers

(Im stating again, i wrote all these to state my opinion. Otherwise i will be downrated for asking non-clear questions)

As you understood too, that virus should disable OS completely and give orders to hardware itself by its own ultra-simple OS

The languages i found out is

1-0 i guess this is called binary HE5J8EO guess this is raw or something And i dont remember the syntax but i think it was assembly, it is similar to programming languages but a very low one

While i cant code binary, i guess rest two or another language does what i want. If you know any, can you tell me what is its name?

Note: i am not a kid who doesnt know english grammar. Dont critisize me about this or suggest edits. English isnt my native language

Note: Virus development isnt my purpose, im trying to find the language i want. Virus case is just an example state what i am looking for exactly.

Reason of all these notes and explainations: I got -9 rating at my previous question and when i want to discuss the rule i got another -9 at meta because people didnt understand me.


  • If you are looking to do some work without an OS or any bare metal programming otherwise, assembly (sometimes assembler) is as low level as it gets. Assembly is in many ways more difficult to learn than a higher level language like C since the ASM language is not very feature rich (no one line loops, objects, functions in most cases). The other challenge you ight encounter if you are only familiar with higher language's is that there are many different assembly language's, one for each CPU architecture in fact. Unless you intend to be making nefarious software or an OS itself (which in many ways would be better served by something like C) you'd have to have a very clear intention and purpose to use an assembly language.