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cannot convert from String to HashMap Spring Boot application

I have below code and issue. I am running a Spring boot application to test file usage. file,



Controller code below,

public class MyController {

    Environment env;

    private HashMap<String,String> myMapUsingValue;

    public String hello() {
        System.out.println("myMapUsingValue : "+myMapUsingValue);

        HashMap<String, String> myMapUsingEnv = env.getProperty("myMap", HashMap.class);
        System.out.println("myMapUsingEnv : "+myMapUsingEnv);

        return "Hello World";

Now when I hit the URL: http://localhost:8080/HelloWorldBoot/hello

Map details using @Value gets printed successfully,

myMapUsingValue : {key1=value1, key2=value2} 

But I get error like below while accessing the same Map using Environment API,

No converter found capable of converting from type [java.lang.String] to type [java.util.HashMap<?, ?>]]

How can I resolve this? How can I read the Map directly from application properties file using the Environment variable API?

Any help is appreciated on this. Thanks in advance.


  • Environment variables are always strings. The fact that the Spring value injector knows how to convert them to a map is super nice, but when using the java environment api you are going to have to parse that string yourself and convert it into a Map.

    Something like Jackson might make this easier. Otherwise you might write a utility method that does this. You might look in the spring source.