I am trying to truncate a date, and group by the values. I have tried this:
select v.sop, FUNC('DATE_TRUNC', 'day', v.scrappedAt) as dt, sum(v.totalValue)
from TABLE v
where v.coordStatus like 'done%' and (:plant is null or v.target =
:plant) and v.scrappedAt is not null
group by v.sop, dt
I have also tried grouping by the FUNC
select v.sop, FUNC('DATE_TRUNC', 'day', v.scrappedAt) as dt, sum(v.totalValue)
from TABLE v
where v.coordStatus like 'done%' and (:plant is null or v.target =
:plant) and v.scrappedAt is not null
group by v.sop, FUNC('DATE_TRUNC', 'day', v.scrappedAt)
The error is the same
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column "t_mcp_verschrottungs_db_sharepoint.scrappedat" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
Strictly speaking, if FUNC
were a native Postgres function, then your query should be working, and the query would be ANSI compliant. After reading this SO question, it appears that Postgres can't figure out that the two FUNC
calls are actually the same thing. Perhaps you can rephrase the sum using a correlated subquery:
FUNC('DATE_TRUNC', 'day', v1.scrappedAt) AS dt,
WHERE v2.sop = v1.sop AND
FUNC('DATE_TRUNC', 'day', v2.scrappedAt) =
FUNC('DATE_TRUNC', 'day', v1.scrappedAt) AND
v2.acoordStatus LIKE 'done%' AND
(:plant is null OR v2.target = :plant) AND
v2.scrappedAt IS NOT NULL) value_sum
v1.coordStatus LIKE 'done%' AND
(:plant is null OR v1.target = :plant) AND
v1.scrappedAt IS NOT NULL;
An alternative to the above, should it either not work or not be performant, would be to use a native Postgres query.