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What is the proper Linq expression for this left-outer-join query?

I am having trouble translating this his sql query into a linq expression that returns the results as an IEnumerable of a class.

This is the query:

Select * from Posts left outer join Ownergroups on 
Where Ownergroups.OwnerName = 'Group A' AND PostType = 'news'

This is the only expression that doesn't throw errors, but it also only returns a single result.

        NewsViewModel vm = new NewsViewModel();

       vm.NewsItems =  (from an in db.Posts.Where(g => g.PostType == "News")
       from og in an.OwnerGroups.Where(g => g.OwnerName == "Group A")
        select an).Distinct().OrderByDescending(bb 

If I try to project to a new selection, I get an error. When I try to group by the PostId I get the proper results, but cannot attach the result to my ViewModel; I get an error saying "cannot convert type systems.collections.generic list to systems.collections.IEnumerable"

I'd really appreciate suggestions.

Adding the class, as requested:

     public class Post
    public int PostId { get; set; }

    public string PostType { get; set; }

    [Display(Name = "Top Title")]
    public string Headline1 { get; set; }

    [Display(Name = "Subtitle")]
    public string Headline2 { get; set; }

    public string Headline3 { get; set; }

    [Display(Name = "By Organization or Person")]
    public string Byline { get; set; }

    [Display(Name = "Text For Your Post")]
    public string PostText1 { get; set; }

    [Display(Name = "Additional Text")]
    public string PostText2 { get; set; }

    public string AuthorGroup { get; set; }

    [Display(Name = "Link to Video (URL)")]
    public string AVurl { get; set; }

    [DisplayFormat(ApplyFormatInEditMode = true, DataFormatString = "{0:d}")]
    public DateTime PostDate { get; set; }

    [Display(Name = "Date To Archive")]
    [DisplayFormat(ApplyFormatInEditMode = true, DataFormatString = "{0:d}")]
    public DateTime? StopDate { get; set; }

    [Display(Name = "Posted By")]
    public string PostedBy { get; set; }

    [Display(Name = "Last Edited")]
    public DateTime LastEditDate { get; set; }

    [Display(Name = "Last Edited By")]
    public string LastEditor { get; set; }

    public virtual ICollection<PostAsset> PostAssets { get; set; }

    public virtual ICollection<PostAlbum> PostAlbums { get; set; }

    public virtual ICollection<OwnerGroup> OwnerGroups { get; set; }


  • The following will do a left join where the owners are OwnerName = 'Group A' and the PostType = 'news' joining, if possible, on PostId = PostId

    void Main()
        var posts = 
            new List<Post>() 
                new Post {PostId = 1, PostType = "news"},
                new Post {PostId = 2, PostType = "old"},
                new Post {PostId = 3, PostType = "news"},
        var owners = 
            new List<OwnerGroup>()
                new OwnerGroup {GroupId = 1, PostId = 1, OwnerName = "Group A" },
                new OwnerGroup {GroupId = 2, PostId = 1, OwnerName = "Group A" },
                new OwnerGroup {GroupId = 3, PostId = 2, OwnerName = "Group A" },
        var leftJoinResult = posts
                owners.Where(o => o.OwnerName.Equals("Group A")), 
                r => r.PostId, rp => rp.PostId, 
                (l1, l2) => new { gjl1 = l1, gjl2 = l2 })
            .SelectMany(x => x.gjl2.DefaultIfEmpty(), (x, gjl2) => new { x.gjl1, gjl2 })
            .Where(x => x.gjl1.PostType.Equals("news") )
            // OPTIONAL: Add this line return the Post matches, not both the Post and the possible left joined OwnerGroup
            .Select(x => x.gjl1) 
            // OPTIONAL: Add this line to only get the distinct Post matches
            .GroupBy(p => p.PostId).Select(grp => grp.First());
    public class Post
        public int PostId { get; set; }
        public string PostType { get; set; }
    public class OwnerGroup
        public int GroupId { get;set; }
        public int PostId { get; set; }
        public String OwnerName { get; set; }