My work is to remove some nodes from an XML based upon certain conditions and then parse the changed XML to a string.
To do that:
I converted string(workingData)to Xdocument and then added a condition to select xelements (abc) which works fine.
Now I need help to replace existing xelements with the new xelement(abc) back in doc with the removed nodes.
PS: Ignore the hardcoded return "xx" that will be changed later to the converted xml.
private string convertXML(string workingData, IEnumerable<string> fulfillerClaims)
XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse(workingData);
IEnumerable<XElement> abc;
foreach (XElement item in doc.Elements())
abc = item.Elements().Where(x => x.Name.LocalName == "Entry").Select(x => x).Where(x => x.Attribute("Fulfiller") == null || fulfillerClaims.Contains(x.Attribute("Fulfiller").Value));
return "xx";
You could just remove the elements you don't want? I think this would work:
foreach (XElement item in doc.Elements()) {
item.Elements().Where(x => x.Name.LocalName != "Entry" && (x.Attribute("Fulfiller") != null && !fulfillerClaims.Contains(x.Attribute("Fulfiller").Value))).Remove();
Might want to check the conditional logic on this.. I didn't have any test data to work with...
I did remove parts of it like this that just seemed to be wasting cycles:
.Select(x => x)