We have a bot who is connected via node-sdk (https://www.npmjs.com/package/circuit-sdk) with Circuit. We use the following code
this.addEventListeners = function addEventListeners(client) {
client.addEventListener('itemAdded', function (evt) {
client.addTextItem(evt.item.convId, 'answer from bot');
but then, the message is not shown under the current topic but as a separate message in the conversation.
Let me explain it with a screenshot:
Screenshot from circuit ui with example dialog
If I open a new topic ("Topic"
in my screenshot) with a message ("Hi, this is the first message"
), the bot opens a new topic aswell in which it replies to my message ("Answer from Bot (via Websocket)"
). How to get it to reply in the topic I opened?
You need to pass the id for the thread (parentId) in the addTextItem API. See https://circuitsandbox.net/sdk/classes/Client.html#method_addTextItem.
client.addEventListener('itemAdded', function (evt) {
client.addTextItem(evt.item.convId, {
content: 'answer from bot',
parentId: evt.item.itemId