I decided to create a new Angular 6 application with Material Design. The question is what material library to use?
As I see other Bootstrap Material library has their own version for Angular to avoid using JQuery. (https://mdbootstrap.com/angular/)
Why do you need to avoid it? Is it buggy or just hard for development?
MDBootstrap for Angular has free and payed version. I didnt like the free version and cannot use the payed one.
Should I really use Material Design for Bootstrap with JQuery in my new Angular app?
This is an interesting question, but I think it is above all a matter of taste and personal use.
I consider Bootstrap is modern and Material is elegant, but those are my personal view.
As for use, I find Bootstrap more easily customizable and complete.
I also point out other libraries more or less similar, I got along well with NgBootstrap for Angular: https://ng-bootstrap.github.io/#/home
Nebular: https://akveo.github.io/nebular/