I'm having issues specifically with IE11. This code works fine in Chrome/Firefox/Edge. I don't see what I am doing that would cause this to not work.
Here is the part of my polymer element's shadow dom that is breaking:
<template is="dom-if" if="[[showSelect]]]">
<select value="{{selectValue::change}}">
<option value="0" selected$="{{matchesDefault(0)}}">All</option>
<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{excludeNumbers}}" as="number">
<option value="[[number]]" selected$="[[isExclude(number)]]">Skip [[number]]s</option>
What I'm attempting to do and is working in Chrome/FF/Edge but not IE11:
and write them as <option>
nested inside of the <select>
, selecting them if they are What I've tested so far:
<option value="0" selected$="{{matchesDefault(0)}}">All</option>
from the markup
<template is="dom-repeat">
markup outside of the <select>
, just under the opening <template>
tag that checks is [[showSelect]]
is set & changing them from <option>
to <span>
polymer build
and testing IE10 on the built code
Does anyone see what I have wrong? Any ideas on what I can test?
Any ideas are appreciated
It is a known issue, tables
and selects
do not work with dome-repeat
in IE11
There is an issue for this opened in Github here with no working solution
One solution is to use a custom element, maybe something like paper-dropdown-menu