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Find the Closest value from vector of Polar coordinates

I'm assuming there is a very simple solution to my problem where I have a vector that represents polar angles(i.e. 1 to 360 degrees).


I need to find the value of x closest to y,


In this example I need to have 340 returned from x I am aware of the Closest function from the DescTools package which would return 300 from x. I'm sure the answer is probably very simple but it is eluding me.

Thoughts welcome


  • Does this do what you want?

    x <- 300:340
    y <- 30
    polardist <- sapply(x,function(x){min((y-x)%%360,(x-y)%%360)})
    ans <- x[polardist==min(polardist)] #Will have length>1 if there are ties