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Jena Dataset Listener

Thanks to ModelChangedListener, I can monitor changes in a Model as explained in Jena documentation (Event handling in Jena).

Model m = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); 
ModelChangedListener L = new MyListener();

However, in my project, I want to monitor a Dataset for changes to run a code after something occurred in the default graph or one of the named graphes of the Dataset.

What I want to do is simply triggering events after executing such a query against a Dataset:

PREFIX d: <>
PREFIX dm: <>
    d:x dm:tag "one" .
    d:x dm:tag "two" .
    GRAPH d:g1
        d:x dm:tag "three" .
        d:x dm:tag "four" .

to detect that "one" "two" were added to the default graph, and "three" "four" where added to g1.

With this code, I can't even detect changes happening in the default graph of the Dataset, let alone detecting changes in named graphs.

Dataset ds = RDFDataMgr.loadDataset(ONTOLOGY_PATH);
Model defaultModel = ds.getDefaultModel();
ModelChangedListener modelChangedListener = new MyListener();


  • Take a look at DatasetGraphMonitor which takes a DatasetChanges for processing changes.

    Listening to models is unreliable if it works at all because the changes may be going straight to the dataset. A DatasetFactory.createGeneral data should work for models added by the application but in your example d:g1 may not. You would have to add a way to create the model. The engine for this is DatasetGraphMapLink.

    But DatasetGraphMonitor / DatasetChanges is easier.

    An alternative is RDF Delta, and DatasetGraphChanges where the changes are delivered with transaction boundaries.