I have a collection of sparklines that looks like this:
And I want it to look like this:
Now, everyday of the week is assigned a colour.
Does anyone know if this is possible? Feel free to edit my spreadsheet here:
Thanks in advance
EDIT (2018/08/22 18:06 GMT):
Or is this perhaps possible to do in Microsoft Excel 2017?
According to the reference, the 2 color positions you may set is last and first columns:
=SPARKLINE(data,{"charttype","column"; "firstcolor", "red"; "lastcolor", "green"; "ymin", 0})
Making more columns with different colors is impossible according to the current formula settings, you may refer to the Google team to make what you want:
menu Help
> Report a problem
and write what you want to get.
The way to make a similar-looking result is to create 7 separate charts:
The formula for H1 (copy down and right) is:
=SPARKLINE(A2,{"charttype","column"; "firstcolor", H$1; "ymin", yMin; "ymax", yMax})
yMin is:
yMax is:
is range A2:G8
for my sample.
Used Color Pallets for finding colors.