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How to get the list of labels of the Github PR that triggered my multibranch Jenkins build

More precisely I need to get the list of labels of the PR that triggered my multibranch build. Is it possible?

I am aware of but incompatible version of Jenkins and multibranch pipeline is used.


  • After some investigation I found 2 ways of getting list of PR labels.

    1. Needs configuration for github user in Jenkins Credentials and requires node allocation for sending http request via curl.
    def getLabels() {
        def labels
        def scmHead = jenkins.scm.api.SCMHead.HeadByItem.findHead(currentBuild.rawBuild.getParent())
        def owner = scmHead.getSourceOwner()
        def repo = scmHead.getSourceRepo()
        def prId = scmHead.getId()
        withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'GITHUB_CREDENTIALS_ID', usernameVariable: 'UUU', passwordVariable: 'PPP')]) {
            def json = sh(
                    script: "curl -u ${env.UUU}:${env.PPP}${owner}/${repo}/issues/${prId}",
                    returnStdout: true
            // requires plugin
            def prInfo = readJSON(text: json)
            labels = prInfo.labels
        return labels
    1. Via, requires upgrading Jenkins up to v2.128 or newer.
         if (env.BRANCH_NAME ==~ /PR-\d+/) {
                echo "label: $it"