Search code examples

KnockoutJS and PubSub to update observable array between views

I have two modalviews - MyModalViewA (parent) and MyModalViewB (child).

MyModalViewA spawns MyModalViewB, as custom binding, as well has observable array which I need to update. And it looks like:

(function () {

            'use strict';

                window = __webpack_require__(/*! window */ 10),
                _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2),
                $ = __webpack_require__(/*! $ */ 12),
                ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3),
                key = __webpack_require__(/*! key */ 16),

                Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4),
                Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1),

                Links = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Links */ 13),
                Remote = __webpack_require__(/*! Remote/User/Ajax */ 14),

                kn = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5),
                AbstractView = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractView */ 11),
                AttachmentModel = __webpack_require__(/*! Model/Attachment */ 86)

    function MyModalViewA()
       ...some observables...
       //data response which must be updated
       this.rows= ko.observableArray([]);

       this.getResults = Utils.createCommand(this, function() 
         kn.showScreenPopup(__webpack_require__(/*! View/Popup/SearchUsers */ 171),[oData]);


module.exports = MyModelViewA;


Then MyModelViewB:

(function () {

            'use strict';

                window = __webpack_require__(/*! window */ 10),
                _ = __webpack_require__(/*! _ */ 2),
                $ = __webpack_require__(/*! $ */ 12),
                ko = __webpack_require__(/*! ko */ 3),
                key = __webpack_require__(/*! key */ 16),

                Enums = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Enums */ 4),
                Utils = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Utils */ 1),

                Links = __webpack_require__(/*! Common/Links */ 13),
                Remote = __webpack_require__(/*! Remote/User/Ajax */ 14),

                kn = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/Knoin */ 5),
                AbstractView = __webpack_require__(/*! Knoin/AbstractView */ 11),
                AttachmentModel = __webpack_require__(/*! Model/Attachment */ 86)

        function MyModalViewB()
           ...some observables...

        this.doSearch = Utils.createCommand(this, function() 


        MyModelViewB.findUsers = function (userId)
             //here I'm retriewing rows 
             //and I need I need to update rows from MyModalViewA

    module.exports = MyModelViewB;


Then based on an answer from Whats the best way of linking/synchronising view models in Knockout? I have tried to use PubSub to update this.rows= ko.observableArray([]); from MyModelViewA.

For that I have added var postbox = ko.observable(); to MyModelViewA constructor variables. Then in MyModelViewA I have added

   postbox.subscribe(function(newValue) {
    }, this);

and after that in MyModelViewB I have added

this.results = ko.observableArray([]);
this.results.subscribe(function(newValue) {

But both views doesn't get what newValue is neither MyModelViewB is not updating MyModelViewA this.rows observable when I will hardcode newValue in MyModelViewB.

At that point I'm not sure if I have got correctly answer from mentioned link above to have get it to work.


I have added to top of my modules bundle code

var postbox = new ko.subscribable();

as below code

(function($) { $(function() {
    window.postbox = new ko.subscribable();

was throwing error when trying to declare subscribable

Cannot read property 'subscribe' of undefined

then in the module for MyModalViewA added simplified version from PFX answer:

    postbox.subscribe(function(newValue) {

            console.log('New value: ' + newValue);
        }, null, "NewRowAvailable"

and in the module for MyModalViewB under MyModelViewB.findUsers added

var newRow = "testing123";
postbox.notifySubscribers(newRow, "NewRowAvailable");

When I will debug that code it shows that postbox was defined as Object {NewValueAvailable: } but notifySubscribers wasn't updating subscribable.



  • Make sure that the postboxinstance is one and the same instance being shared between both viewmodels and that the notifySubscribersand subcribe methods follow the signatures below.

    notifySubscribers(eventData, eventName); 
    subscribe(function(eventData) { ... }, null, eventName);

    Below you find a simplified version of what you are trying to achieve.
    Here only 1 search result is being passed, but it might also be more via eg. an array.

    var postbox = ko.observable();
    function MyModalViewA()
        var _self = this;
        _self.rows = ko.observableArray([
            { label: "foo" },
            { label: "bar" }    
        postbox.subscribe(function(newValue) {         
          }, null, "PFX.NewRowAvailable"
    function MyModalViewB()
        var _self = this;
        = function() {
            var newRow = { "label" : "baz" };
            postbox.notifySubscribers(newRow, "PFX.NewRowAvailable");      
    var vma = new MyModalViewA();
    ko.applyBindings(vma, $("#vma").get(0));
    var vmb = new MyModalViewB();
    ko.applyBindings(vmb, $("#vmb").get(0));
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="vma">
        <h3>ViewModel A</h3>
        <ol data-bind="foreach: rows">
            <li data-bind="text: label"></li>
    <hr />
    <div id="vmb">    
        <h3>ViewModel B</h3>
        <button data-bind="click: search">search</button>