I have some data to insert in database when user login mobile app. As well as I have some other services calls too, which makes my app login worst. So here I want to know that how can I login immediately & continue execution of other data services in background.
However I am making async
call which is doesn't seem to work.
The service calls I am making is it running in background? or I can make it more batter
private async Task InsertPushKeys()
foreach (var item in SISConst.Mychildren)
pushInfo.OrganizationId = Convert.ToInt64(item.OrganizationID);
pushInfo.OsType = "Android";
pushInfo.ServerkeyPush = SISConst.LmgKey;
var ignore = await logDAL.InsertPushInfo(pushInfo);
Below line executing the service.
var ignore = await logDAL.InsertPushInfo(pushInfo);
Edit 1: These service I am calling inside login button in the same order
_btnSignUp.Click += async (s, e) =>
var loggedInUser = await uLogin.UserLogin(_inputName.Text.Trim(), _inputPassword.Text);
Task.Run(async () => { mychildList = await uLogin.BindMychildrenGridData(result.UserID); }).Wait();
await DeletePushKeys(loggedInUser.UserID);
Call your services inside Task.Run
without using await keyword. Await is holding control until it complete total execution. It might give warning for you that use await keyword but you can ignore it.
Task.Run(async () =>
& don't try using .Wait()
(until you need it) at the end of method it is holding your execution.