I'm new to RXswift and currently working in a project that requires rxswift with UITableView inside of UITableViewCell
Below are some of the codes I've done so far, but every time scroll up/down, it doesn't show the right value
var disposeBag = DisposeBag()
viewModel.listExperience.asObservable().bind(to: tableView.rx.items(cellIdentifier: cellExperienceTableViewCell.getCellId(), cellType: ExperienceTableViewCell.self)){
row , data, cell in
cell.lblTitle.text = data.title ?? ""
cell.lblDate.text = data.startDate ?? ""
cell.lblDetails.text = data.body ?? ""
let filtered = self.viewModel.getDataCommentInRow(row) /* returns Variable<[Comments]> */
cell.setCommentTableView(row: row, filtered: filtered)
cell.tableViewOffset = self.storedOffsets[row] ?? 0
}.disposed(by: disposeBag)
here's the code of the tableView inside of my tableView cell
func setCommentTableView(row : Int, filtered : Variable<[ExperienceComment]>){
tableViewComments.tag = row
filtered.asObservable().bind(to: tableViewComments.rx.items(cellIdentifier: commentCell.getCellId(), cellType: CommentCell.self)){ indexPath , data, cell in
cell.lblComment.text = data.body
}.disposed(by: disposeBag)
Anyone knows how to achieve this? thanks
I think that the only thing you have to do is add a prepareForReuse
method in your table view cell. In it add disposeBag = DisposeBag()
. Make sure your DisposeBag is a var inside the cell in order to do this.
If I'm right, the problem is that when the cell is getting reused, it starts reading from multiple filtered
observables because they all get bound to the same tableViewComments.