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Deploy using fabric8 without maven

I'm using fabric8 maven plugin in order to deploy my spring boot services on kubernetes.

Nevertheless, I'd like to deploy other kind of services, like postgresql, hashicorp vault, so on so forth.

So I've my configmap.yaml, deploymentconfig.yaml, service.yaml and route.yaml in order to deploy hashicorp vault, so they are not maven projects.

I think that's not mandatory to mavenize this kind of "projects" in order to be able to deploy them on kubernetes or openshift.

Is there any way to use fabric8 as cli or another idea in order to avoud to mavenize this kind of projects?

I expect I've explained so well.


  • As @Vishal Biyani says, the best choice for deploying instances of third-party applications is probably helm. There are public charts available with installation instructions for postresql and vault and many others at (as well as other charts out there in other repos which aren't listed in kubeapps).

    Alternatively you can check for examples or instructions for each individual tool that you want to install.