Hi i run Joomla site on htpp://www.deeptechtons.net and wanted to construct a membership based subscription where people pay to get premium articles. Exactly the same as tutsplus site network.[ i think it is custom but some solution must be available for joomla]. I already looked into extensions directory nothing fits my purpose. Some requirements i need are,
1.Custom Profile fields for members. 2.Any time un-subscribe from plan. 3.Simple interface to show plans available 4.Payment processor's support
Also how do i hide the articles for premium members from not showing in search results, both joomla and google. Joomla has teensy, weensy setting that hides un categorized articles in search plugin.
If you want to use 1.5, then Joomla 1.5 + JomSocial + AEC. I would also use K2 for the content because it would make filling your request about keeping content out of Google trivial. I wrote an upgrade to the K2 content display module that would allow you to leave all of your content as public and only display the intro text to non-registered users. Then you display the member content in a module that only displays to registered users. Very easy to maintain and implement.