Say you do git status and you get back a list of files which you want to check one by one and then commit them one by one.
Or you do a git diff on a directory and want to go and commit directly after your inspection. How to do that with a simple trick?
UPDATE 2020:
After fiddling around I decided to install and use ydiff
Doing ydiff -s
shows a diff side by side in the terminal.
No brainer check it out here and don't mind my old answer:
[ OLD ]
Git diff before your commit?
Simple solution thinking outside of the box:
Stick this in your .bashrc or .zshrc:
gdiffy() { git diff $1 && git add $1 && git commit $1; }
First it will pop open up a diff, when you close it, it will allow you enter a commit message.
usage example:
gdiffy config/database.yml
gdiffy .