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angularjs ng-click not working on dynamic html elements

For some reason when using this function('testclickfn') as ng-click on dynamic elements, it doesn't invoke the function. Here is the angularjs file:


     $scope.showelements = function(){

function testfn($scope){
   $scope.testclickfn = function(){
     alert('testing click fn');

function displayTestRows(){
   for(var i=0; i < 5; i++){
      $("#testdiv").append('<p ng-click="testclickfn()">click me</p><br>'); 

HTML page that calls angularjs controller 'testctrl':

<div id="testdiv" ng-controller="testctrl">
   <button ng-click="showelements()">Show dynamic elements</button><br>

I'm assuming since the 'click me' tags are being generated after angular has loaded the page, it doesn't know of anything after page is generated so ng-click="testclickfn()" doesn't get registered with angularjs.

How do I get around this situation?


  • You're creating elements in a way angular has no idea about (pretty bad practice), but not to worry, you can let angular know!

    Change the controller signature to

    controller('testctrl', function($scope, $compile) {

    Then run compile the new elements manually to get the ng-click directive activated

    $scope.showelements = function(){

    If you cant tell, having to use jquery selectors inside your controller is bad, you should be using a directive and the link function to attach the element to the scope (ie, what if you have multiple testctrl elements?), but this'll get you running