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Filtering out only specific values in PS output

I am running PS cmdlet get-customcmdlet which is generating following output

Name                         FreeSpaceGB
----                         -----------
ABC-vol001                   1,474.201
ABC-vol002                   2,345.437     
ABC-vol003                   3,147.135
ABC-volDAV                   4,147.135
ABC-volCDA                   5,147.135

I want to capture 003 from the highest volume number ABC-vol003 I also want to ignore values that don't have have integer value after vol in it such as ABC-volDAV and only want to consider the values which have integer value after vol in it

I am using the following cmdlet but it is generating wrong output ABC-volDAV

Get-CustomCmdlet | Where-Object Name -match vol | select Name | Sort {$_.Name -replace '.*?(\d+)$','$1'} -descending |  Select -First 1

My output should be ABC-vol003


  • Do you mean this?

    $inputData = @"
    "@ | ConvertFrom-Csv
    $inputData |
      Where-Object { $_.Name -match '-vol[\d]+' } |
      Sort-Object { [Int] $_.FreeSpaceGB } -Descending |
      Select-Object -First 1

    The above outputs this:

    Name       FreeSpaceGB
    ----       -----------
    ABC-vol003 3147.135

    Based on the comments - here's another attempt to guess at what the questioner wants to do:

    $inputData = @"
    "@ | ConvertFrom-Csv
    $inputData |
      Where-Object { $_.Name -match '-vol[\d]+' } |
      Select-Object `
        @{Name = "Volume"; Expression = { [Regex]::Match($_.Name, '\d+$').Value }},
        FreeSpaceGB |
      Sort-Object Volume -Descending

    This code outputs the following:

    Name       Volume FreeSpaceGB
    ----       ------ -----------
    ABC-vol003 003    3147.135  
    ABC-vol002 002    2345.437  
    ABC-vol001 001    1474.201

    So here we create a calculated property (custom column) in the output object containing the volume number (extracted using a regular expression), and sort by that.