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Algorithm that Java tools use to automatically derive module names from jar names

What is the algorithm that Java 9+ tools use to automatically derive module names from the names of non-modular jars on the module path?


  • A non-modular JAR file deployed on the module path is an automatic module. If the JAR file has a main attribute Automatic-Module-Name (see Main Attributes) then the attribute's value is the module name, otherwise the module name is derived from the name of the JAR file as specified in ModuleFinder.of(Path...).

    If you want more information, you can always lookup the source code:

     * Treat the given JAR file as a module as follows:
     * 1. The module name (and optionally the version) is derived from the file
     *    name of the JAR file
     * 2. The packages of all .class files in the JAR file are exported
     * 3. It has no module-private/concealed packages
     * 4. The contents of any META-INF/services configuration files are mapped
     *    to "provides" declarations
     * 5. The Main-Class attribute in the main attributes of the JAR manifest
     *    is mapped to the module descriptor mainClass
    private ModuleDescriptor deriveModuleDescriptor(JarFile jf)
        throws IOException
        // Derive module name and version from JAR file name
        String fn = jf.getName();
        int i = fn.lastIndexOf(File.separator);
        if (i != -1)
            fn = fn.substring(i+1);
        // drop .jar
        String mn = fn.substring(0, fn.length()-4);
        String vs = null;
        // find first occurrence of -${NUMBER}. or -${NUMBER}$
        Matcher matcher = Patterns.DASH_VERSION.matcher(mn);
        if (matcher.find()) {
            int start = matcher.start();
            // attempt to parse the tail as a version string
            try {
                String tail = mn.substring(start+1);
                vs = tail;
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException ignore) { }
            mn = mn.substring(0, start);
        // finally clean up the module name
        mn = cleanModuleName(mn);
        // Builder throws IAE if module name is empty or invalid
        ModuleDescriptor.Builder builder
            = new ModuleDescriptor.Builder(mn)
                .requires(Set.of(Requires.Modifier.MANDATED), "java.base");
        if (vs != null)
        // scan the names of the entries in the JAR file
        Map<Boolean, Set<String>> map =
                .filter(e -> !e.isDirectory())
                .collect(Collectors.partitioningBy(e -> e.startsWith(SERVICES_PREFIX),
        Set<String> resources = map.get(Boolean.FALSE);
        Set<String> configFiles = map.get(Boolean.TRUE);
        // all packages are exported
        // map names of service configuration files to service names
        Set<String> serviceNames =
        // parse each service configuration file
        for (String sn : serviceNames) {
            JarEntry entry = jf.getJarEntry(SERVICES_PREFIX + sn);
            Set<String> providerClasses = new LinkedHashSet<>();
            try (InputStream in = jf.getInputStream(entry)) {
                BufferedReader reader
                    = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in, "UTF-8"));
                String cn;
                while ((cn = nextLine(reader)) != null) {
                    if (cn.length() > 0) {
            if (!providerClasses.isEmpty())
                builder.provides(sn, providerClasses);
        // Main-Class attribute if it exists
        Manifest man = jf.getManifest();
        if (man != null) {
            Attributes attrs = man.getMainAttributes();
            String mainClass = attrs.getValue(Attributes.Name.MAIN_CLASS);
            if (mainClass != null)
     * Patterns used to derive the module name from a JAR file name.
    private static class Patterns {
        static final Pattern DASH_VERSION = Pattern.compile("-(\\d+(\\.|$))");
        static final Pattern NON_ALPHANUM = Pattern.compile("[^A-Za-z0-9]");
        static final Pattern REPEATING_DOTS = Pattern.compile("(\\.)(\\1)+");
        static final Pattern LEADING_DOTS = Pattern.compile("^\\.");
        static final Pattern TRAILING_DOTS = Pattern.compile("\\.$");