I'm looking to remove the little chevron to the right of the Vaadin ComboBox
-- the one I marked with blue in the image:
I'm looking to remove it completely from one specific instance of the ComboBox
and i don't need to make it appear again in some cases on that ComboBox
The ComboBox
should be otherwise functional the same way -- show options in dropdown as the user types, disallow null selection, etc.
How can this be done?
Luckily the button has class name in CSS, "v-filterselect-button". So I recommend to try following, add style name to your combobox, so that you can target the specific instance
And in your theme mixin in your theme SCSS file add following
.my-combo .v-filterselect-button {
display: none;
.my-combo .v-filterselect-input {
padding-right: 0px;