Basically, I want to somehow simulate friendship inheritance with the restriction that it can only happen from inside a certain method.
So essentially, this is what I want
class A; // Forward declaration
class Base{
friend class A; // friend declaration so that A is able to see protected methods
virtual void method() {// some definition, might also be pure virtual}
class Derived : public Base{
A aObj;
void method(){//override the one in base and also gain access to aObj private members.}
//public interface
class A {
int var;
friend void Base::method();
// public interface
is there anyway to achieve this?
How about this
class Base {
friend class A;
virtual void method() = 0;
std::tuple<int> GetAProperties(const A& a) {
// You can change the tuple params
// as per your requirement.
return std::make_tuple(a.var);
class Derived : public Base {
A aObj;
void method() override {
auto objProperties = GetAProperties(aObj);