I'm using CKEditor4 full version using CDN:
<script src="//cdn.ckeditor.com/4.10.0/full/ckeditor.js"></script>
I want to add extra plugins to CKEditor, I downloaded the files and want to add them.
I tried:
CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal( 'simplebutton', 'http://localhost/ckeditor/plugins/simplebutton', 'plugin.js' );
CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor', {
extraPlugins: 'simplebutton',
toolbar: [
{ name: 'simplebutton', items: [ 'simplebutton' ] }
But I get these errors:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < ?t=I63Cplugin.js:1
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'icons' of null ckeditor.js:264
at CKEDITOR.resourceManager.<anonymous> (ckeditor.js:264)
at CKEDITOR.resourceManager.<anonymous> (ckeditor.js:263)
at e (ckeditor.js:258)
at Array.y (ckeditor.js:258)
at v (ckeditor.js:258)
at ckeditor.js:259
I will add other plugins.
Is that's because I have to enter the exiting toolbar options, Then add new buttons?
There might be multiple reasons for this.
First see addExternal
API docs:
// Loads a plugin from '/myplugins/sample/plugin.js'.
CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal( 'sample', '/myplugins/sample/' );
// Loads a plugin from '/myplugins/sample/my_plugin.js'.
CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal( 'sample', '/myplugins/sample/', 'my_plugin.js' );
// Loads a plugin from '/myplugins/sample/my_plugin.js'.
CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal( 'sample', '/myplugins/sample/my_plugin.js', '' );
Note that each example has a tailing /
character, so try with CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal( 'simplebutton', '//localhost/plugins/simplebutton/', 'plugin.js' );
If it still doesn't work, make sure that your web server actually returns a proper content, because SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
looks like HTML was served instead of HTML. You can use your browser network inspector to check that.