My question might seem quite easy for you, but I have no experience at this point.
I want to implement AdMob in libGDX game on iOS devices(it's already implemented in Android version). Unlucky examples on Admob website targets Swift and Objective-C.
I've found something like RoboVM iOS Bindings, but last commit was on 16 Feb 2015.
So i need to ask - is this still good and acceptable way to implement AdMob in libGDX iOS projects?
I've found some questions that involves both - libGDX and AdMob, but from 2013.
Check this, last commit 10 months ago.
robovm-robopods repository under MobiVM hood.
You can use 2.2.2
version of robovm-robopods
Inject in this way :
implementation "com.mobidevelop.robovm:robopods-google-mobile-ads-ios:2.2.2"
If you like to use SNAPSHOT version, use SNAPSHOT version
implementation "com.mobidevelop.robovm:robopods-google-mobile-ads-ios:2.2.3-SNAPSHOT"
If you're using older version of android gradle plugin replace implementation
with compile